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- A History of England
A History of England
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Lingard, Rev. John
Published: J. Mawman, London, 1819-1830.
Eight volumes bound in ten. From the first invasion by the Romans to the accession of Henry VIII. In three volumes; ... to the Accession of Mary. (1820) (1 vol.); ... to the Accession of James I. (1823) (1 vol.); ... To the Commonwealth. (1825) (2 vols.); ... To the twenty-seventh year of the Reign of Charles II. (1829) (2 vols.); ... To the Revolution in 1688. (1830) (1 vol.).
Contemporary full crimson morocco by Henderson & Bisset with lavish decorative and ruled panelling to boards and spines in gilt panels between raised banding the second and third with titles stamped direct and the remaining with large central floral spray and abundant foliate sides; teg; inner dentelles gilt; 4to, 292x239 mms.
First Edition. Large Paper Copy. With half-titles and extra illustrated with six hundred and sixty engraved plates the majority brilliant proof impressions.
A magnificent extra illustrated copy, beautifully bound, and scarce.
'The History of England, From the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of Henry VIII' by John Lingard (1771-1851) was the product of decades of study in which he devoted countless hours to the examination and comparison of original authorities and insisted on tracing every statement back to its original author.
Initially published in eight volumes in 1819 the work was later expanded by the author and the title changed to reflect the period covered. The edition that is usually seen is a ten volume set, ‘to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688’. There is an enlarged thirteen volume set published just before Lingard's death which was his final revision, ‘to the Commencement of the Reign of William the Third’. The “History” was abridged and revised adding material to bring its treatment up to the then present and used as a text in English Catholic Schools during the nineteenth century.
Lingard was accorded no recognition by the British intellectual establishment. ‘History of England’ is a substantial scholarly work which while giving full treatment to the history of England on relevant matters takes a Catholic approach.
Published: J. Mawman, London, 1819-1830.
Eight volumes bound in ten. From the first invasion by the Romans to the accession of Henry VIII. In three volumes; ... to the Accession of Mary. (1820) (1 vol.); ... to the Accession of James I. (1823) (1 vol.); ... To the Commonwealth. (1825) (2 vols.); ... To the twenty-seventh year of the Reign of Charles II. (1829) (2 vols.); ... To the Revolution in 1688. (1830) (1 vol.).
Contemporary full crimson morocco by Henderson & Bisset with lavish decorative and ruled panelling to boards and spines in gilt panels between raised banding the second and third with titles stamped direct and the remaining with large central floral spray and abundant foliate sides; teg; inner dentelles gilt; 4to, 292x239 mms.
First Edition. Large Paper Copy. With half-titles and extra illustrated with six hundred and sixty engraved plates the majority brilliant proof impressions.
A magnificent extra illustrated copy, beautifully bound, and scarce.
'The History of England, From the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of Henry VIII' by John Lingard (1771-1851) was the product of decades of study in which he devoted countless hours to the examination and comparison of original authorities and insisted on tracing every statement back to its original author.
Initially published in eight volumes in 1819 the work was later expanded by the author and the title changed to reflect the period covered. The edition that is usually seen is a ten volume set, ‘to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688’. There is an enlarged thirteen volume set published just before Lingard's death which was his final revision, ‘to the Commencement of the Reign of William the Third’. The “History” was abridged and revised adding material to bring its treatment up to the then present and used as a text in English Catholic Schools during the nineteenth century.
Lingard was accorded no recognition by the British intellectual establishment. ‘History of England’ is a substantial scholarly work which while giving full treatment to the history of England on relevant matters takes a Catholic approach.